Cosmetology Schools Lorain OH

If you’d like a career in the cosmetology field, beauty schools in Lorain OH are available to help you to get started right now!

Programs are often finished in as little as 1.5 -2 years, and students become eligible to take the exam for certification right after their programs.

Prerequisites and Training Programs

What is Required to Be Ready for Beauty Schools in Lorain OH

There are a few conditions that have to be satisfied before one can become a beautician. One needs to hold a H.S. diploma or GED and meet the legal age minimum.

Suggested Cosmetology Schools in Ohio


Should you Have a Cosmetologist License in Lorain OH?

If you’d like to get your beauty certification, or possibly choose a certification in a specific area of cosmetology, here’s how to go about executing it. To get certified within Ohio, you’ll need to finish your basic education and learning to begin with.

Then, you need to attend the necessary 1,500 working hours for the Ohio Cosmetology Board. In this important time you’ll get hands-on education precisely like you will perform at your future workplace.

Your next step will be to successfully pass the state’s accreditation test. I highly recommend you search for apprenticeship programs, they can get you additional hours for your training and can get leads when it comes to future job opportunities.

Also, it is very important to not overlook, after getting licensed, you will need to re-up your accreditation. See your Cosmetology Board for renewal requirements.

OH License Specifications for Occupations Accessible Inside the Field of Beauty

  • Hairstylist – 1,200 Work hours
  • Esthetician – 750 Working hrs and then 16 Work hrs with regard to microdermabrasion training
  • Nail Specialist – 200 Working hours along with Eight Working hours with respect to the electrical file
  • Barber – 1800 Hours
  • Massage Therapist – 750 Hrs

Ohio Barbering and Cosmetology
Address – 1929 Gateway Circle Grove City, OH 43123
Barbering and Cosmetology Phone # – (614)-466-3834
Training w/Apprenticeships Phone Number — 614 466 3834
Facsimile # — 614-644-6880
Communication Email – and

Career and Earnings Outlook

How to Find a Job as a Cosmetologist in Lorain OH

National Info Information from
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay .95 an hr
Educational background Levels Essential Post-Secondary non degree award
Experience NA
Practical Education? NA
Total Jobs 2012 663,300
Work Perspective Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Growth thru 2012-2022 +83300

Per the O*Net Online, cosmetologists are very much sought after in Ohio. An aging citizenry along with new changes in the country’s beauty and cosmetology care system will result in an rise in the number of new positions for certified men and women through 2020. As you can tell, becoming a cosmetologist in Lorain OH might be a lot easier than you would imagine – particularly when compared with other types of occupations.

Additional Info

A Look Inside Beauty Courses

There are definite matters you should think about when you are ready to pick between beauty schools. Deciding on cosmetology classes may well appear simple, however you have to be sure that you are picking the ideal style of program. Certification by the Ohio State Board is one of the most important thing that will help you pick the right program. Just after checking the accreditation status, you need to look just a little further to make sure that the program you like can supply you with the best instruction.

  • Find out if the subjects matches at the least the minimum standards
  • Go online for review articles on the training program
  • Is the cost out of step with other schools?

Anytime cosmetology training colleges mention they offer comprehensive cosmetology training programs, it usually indicates the training involved with hair styling, skin-care, nailcare, and make-up is presented in a single detailed training course.

Beauty Programs Train Individuals a Host of Relevant Skills to Apply

Cosmetology school students discover ways to make use of the relevant skills practiced for their clients by way of group class lessons, the particular published textbooks, and then “hands on” training in students only salons.

The state course curriculum plan will be different from one state to the next, but a cosmetologist course student ought to graduate having a broad knowledge of all the facets of the cosmetologist industry, yet students are able to concentrate on a particular area.

You Are Now Ready to Begin!

With the strategies and information you have compiled, you are ready to go and enroll in cosmetology schools and start training for a new occupation as a cosmetologist!

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