Cosmetology Schools Olive Branch MS

If you would like a position in the beauty and cosmetology field, beauty schools in Olive Branch MS will allow you to get going now.

Programs are approximately 18-24 months in length, and they’re accessible to help get you prepared for the license test in your state.

Qualifications and School Choices

How Does One Take Advantage of Cosmetology Schools in Olive Branch MS?

Beautician programs hold a handful of key prerequisites for students. They currently are: have a H.S. diploma or equivalent and also be of minimum age for Mississippi.

Suggested Beauty Schools in MS

License Info

Is it a Requirement That One Gets Their License?

If you are hoping to earn a beauty certification, or perhaps even get a certification within a particular part of cosmetology, here is how to pull off carrying it out. In order to get certified or licensed within Mississippi, you must wrap up your formal education initially.

And then, don’t forget to attend the actual required 1500 hrs for the Mississippi Cosmetology Board. In this time period you’ll receive simulated instruction just like you are going to do at your future job.

Your next step will be to take and pass your state’s licensing test. Make sure you hunt for apprenticeship programs, they’re able to allow you to receive additional hours with respect to training and gives you the chance to get leads regarding possible future work.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of, after you have been licensed, you will need to renew your certification. Visit your State Board of Cosmetology for any state’s renewal needs.

MS Licensing Criteria for Jobs Presented Inside the Field of Beauty

  • Hair stylist – 1500 Working hrs
  • Esthetician – 600 Hrs
  • Nail Technician – 350 Work hrs
  • Massage Therapist – 700 Work hrs

MS Barbering and Cosmetology
Business address : 239 North Lamar, Suite 301 Jackson, MS 39201
Board Phone # : (601) 359 1820
Apprenticeship Programs Contact Number – 601-359-1820
Facsimile Number – (601) 354 6639

Job and Earnings Perspective

How to Find a Position as a Cosmetologist in Olive Branch MS

Countrywide Info Details from
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 per hour
Standard of Schooling to start Post-Secondary non degree designation
Necessary Expertise NA
On-the-job Instruction? NA
Amount of Positions in 2012 + 663300
Occupational Prospects Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase through the Year 2022 83,300

O*Net Online forecasts that the demand for cosmetologists in Mississippi will reach all-time levels over the next few years. Brand new employment opportunities are forecasted to grow faster than normal with a huge expansion through the end of the decade. Be sure not to miss this fantastic chance to start your career!


Standard Beautician Classes

You will find lots of great cosmetology schools throughout the country, yet you should be aware of which of the cosmetology schools present the very best option. The first step in beginning a job as a cosmetologist is to decide which of the excellent cosmetology classes will help you. Once you begin looking into classes, you will have to determine if the program has the required accreditation with a national organization like the Mississippi State Board. If the training school is accredited by these organizations, you might additionally want to look at various other variables like:

  • The recruitment percentage of previous attendees
  • The percentage of passing scores from former students for the license examination
  • Ease of access of attendees to instructors

If cosmetologist training colleges state that they provide comprehensive beauty training programs, it generally refers to the teaching of hair-styling, healthy skin care, nails, and then makeup is actually accessible in a comprehensive training course.

Beauty Schools Coach Enrollees a Load of Qualities to Make use of

Beauty trainees learn to make use of the talents acquired for future clientele via group class discussions, the given books, and additionally “hands-on” training, learning in students only salons.

The training program curriculum plan will vary from one state to the next, but a beauty training student should really graduate from their program with a comprehensive knowledge of every component of the beautician field, still trainees are certainly allowed to focus on a specialized area or service.

You Now Have the Info Needed for Success!

Thanks to the tips and info you have picked-up, you now are prepared to and get started on a new career as a beautician through enrolling in beauty schools!

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