Cosmetology Schools Auburn MA

cosmetology schools in Auburn MA offer a fantastic way to get into the cosmetology industry!

Training courses are approximately 1.5 -2 years in total length, and they are generally accessible to prepare you for the license test in your state.

Qualifications and Training Schools

Cosmetology Schools and Their Requirements

Classes to become a beautician hold several prerequisites. You should be the legal age in Massachusetts and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

Leading Beauty Schools in MA


What is So Vital About License?

If you would like to earn a cosmetology license, or possibly go for a certification in a unique portion of beauty, here’s how to go about doing it. To get licensed in Massachusetts, you should complete your current basic education and learning to begin with.

Then, be sure that you go to the actual required 1000 hrs for your Massachusetts Cosmetology Board. In this time you’re going to get hands-on instruction like you are going to do on the job.

Your next step in the process is to pass your state’s license exam. Make sure to seek out apprenticeships where offered, they may ensure you get more hours for training and gives you the chance to get leads when it comes to prospective work.

It’s also really important to be aware of, after you have been accredited, you will have to re-new your accreditation. Call your State Board of Cosmetology for your state’s renewal requirements.

MA Accreditation Specifications for Careers Offered Within the Field of Beauty

  • Hair Dresser – Phone 617-727-7367
  • Esthetician – 300 Hrs
  • Nail Tech – 100 Work hrs
  • Electrologist – Phone 617-727-3939
  • Masseuse – 650 Hrs

Massachusetts Barbering and Cosmetology
Business address – 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118
Board Telephone Number : 617 727 9940
Apprenticeship Programs Contact Number — (617)-727-9940
Facsimile Number – (617) 727 1627
Communication Email Address –

Job and Earnings Prospects

Probability for Finding a Position as a Cosmetologist in Auburn MA

Nation wide Data Information from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hr .95 per hour
Recommended Understanding Levels Postsecondary non degree designation
Desired Work Experience NA
On the job Training NA
Number of Job opportunities in the year 2012 + 663300
Job Prospects Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Profession Increase through 2012 – 2022 83,300 more

O*Net Online anticipates that the need for beauticians in Massachusetts will reach all-time highs over the next several years. The nationwide rate of growth for this job is well ahead of the average for all jobs and is also one of the highest in the cosmetology industry. Due to this growth in job opportunities, you have a lot of chances to get a job as a cosmetologist in Auburn MA.

Added Info

What is Taught in Cosmetologist Schools?

We cannot decide which of the beauty schools is right for you, yet we are able to give you the following guidelines that may make your choice a little less difficult. Once you get started your search, you’ll discover a lot of classes, but exactly what should you really pay attention to when choosing beautician programs? Accreditation by the Massachusetts State Board is one of the most vital thing that can help you choose the right training programs. Some other areas to inspect include things like:

  • The amount of time the program has been around
  • Internet recommendations of the training or training school
  • How problematic would it be to call teachers?

Whenever cosmetology courses state they provide full cosmetology programs, it usually refers to the teaching involving hair styling, skin, finger and toe nail care, and additionally makeup is normally readily available in one comprehensive training program.

Cosmetologist Schools Train School Students Quite a Number of Skillsets to use

Cosmetology students find out how to utilize the talents learned for clients via group in-class lectures, the particular distributed books, and also hands on training, practicing in student salons.

The official program curriculum is different from one state to the next, but a cosmetology training enrolee will graduate employing a detailed understanding of all the aspects of the cosmetologist industry, still individuals are permitted to specialize in a specific service or area.

Choose Your Classes and Be on the Road to Success!

Since you have been given all the information necessary to become a cosmetologist, now it’s time for you to discover beauty schools and get started immediately!

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