If you would like a position in cosmetology, cosmetology schools in Cairo IL can help you get going today!
Training programs are between one and half to two years in total length, and they are generally accessible to help get you prepared for the license exam in your respective state.
Requirements and Schools
Getting Started in Cosmetology Schools in Cairo IL
Beautician training programs hold a handful of main requirements for applicants. You need to be of minimum age to work in Illinois and own a high school degree or equivalent.
Recommended Cosmetology Schools in Illinois
Licensing Info
Is it a Requirement That I Get a License?
If you are wanting to earn a beauty license, or perhaps obtain a certification in a particular division of beauty, this is how to go about carrying it out. To be licensed or certified in Illinois, you will need to complete your traditional education first.
And then, make sure that you enroll in the mandatory 1500 working hours to meet the requirements of the Illinois State Board of Cosmetology. Within this time you’re going to get simulated training exactly like you will perform at your future job.
The very next step is to successfully pass your state’s accreditation test. Make the time to hunt for apprenticeships wherever presented, they may get you more hours for your training and can get opportunities regarding potential future work.
It’s also important to keep in mind, after getting registered, you will need to re-new your certification. Visit your Cosmetology Board for all the renewal prerequisites.
IL License Prerequisites for Professions Accessible Throughout the Field of Cosmetology
- Hair-Stylist – 1,500 Work hrs and also 3000 Work hours pertaining to Alternatives Apprenticeship Possibilities
- Esthetician – 750 Working hours as well as 1500 Working hours with respect to Options Apprenticeship Possibilities
- Nail Tech – 400 Work hrs not to mention 800 Hours regarding Prospects Apprenticeship Options
- Massage Therapist – 500 Hours
Illinois Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Address – 320 W. Washington St., 3rd Fl. Springfield, IL 62786 and 100 W. Randolph Street, 9th Fl. Chicago, IL 60601
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Phone # : (800) 560 6420
Programs w/Apprenticeships Telephone Number – 800-560-6420
Fax # – (217)-782-7645
Job and Wage Outlook
Career Possibilities for Beauticians in Cairo IL
Nation wide Information | Information from bls.gov |
Median Pay Per Year | $22,770 per year |
Median Pay | .95 an hr |
Educational background Level Necessary | Post-Secondary nondegree award |
Work Exp. | NA |
On-the-Job Instruction | NA |
# of Job opportunities in the year 2012 | 663,300 |
Profession Prospects Growth, 2012-22 | +13% |
Job Opportunities Increase – the Year 2022 | 83300 |
Cosmetologists in Illinois are in luck as the current forecasts from O*Net Online suggest enormous growth. The increase in new work opportunities for beauticians are expected to go up nationally by the year 2020 and in Illinois. For individuals who want to start working as a beautician in Cairo IL, clearly the expanding demand is very much to your advantage.
Cosmetologist Schools – What You Can Expect
There are a lot of great programs to choose from, however you must be sure the beauty schools you would like to sign-up for satisfy specific requirements. It can seem as though there are tons of beautician programs in Cairo IL, but you still need to pick the training classes that can best guide you to your career ambitions. Even though you might already have made the decision which program to sign up for, you still want to find out if the training course holds the appropriate certification with the Illinois State Board. Although not as vital as the school’s accreditation status, you should consider most of the following areas as well:
- How long the program has existed
- Rate of success of attendees on the license evaluation over the last 5 years
- Price of tuition vs all the other training programs or training centers
Whenever beautician training schools say they provide complete cosmetology courses, it usually indicates the training regarding hair styling, skin, nail care, and also make-up is normally accessible all in one comprehensive program.
Cosmetologist Courses Teach Trainees a Bunch of Abilities to Make use of
Cosmetology students learn to apply the skill-sets practiced for clients as a result of classroom lectures, the particular circulated guides, and then “hands on” training, learning in student salons.
A state training course curriculum method will without a doubt be different from state to state, however a beautician course student should certainly graduate from their course employing a thorough comprehension of all the components of the beautician field, nonetheless college students are permitted to focus on a specific area.
Pick Your Classes and Find Success!
With all of the guidelines and information you have compiled, you are prepared to go and get started in beauty schools and start training for a brand-new career as a cosmetologist!