Cosmetology Schools Catalina Foothills AZ

The beauty and cosmetology industry is absolutely one of the most-popular markets in the country, and by enrolling right now for cosmetology schools in Catalina Foothills AZ, you can begin working towards your career as a beautician.

There are accelerated training courses available that may be finished within 1.5 -2 years, and will get you prepared to sit for the Cosmetologist license exam

Prerequisites and Schools to Choose From

What it Takes to Register for Cosmetology Schools in Catalina Foothills AZ

Becoming a cosmetologist carries a handful of conditions. You should be the legal age to be employed in Arizona and have a senior high school degree or GED.

Leading Cosmetology Schools in AZ

Certification Info

Should you Have a Beautician License in Catalina Foothills AZ?

If you want to earn your beauty license, or perhaps even obtain a certificate within a specific part of cosmetology, the following is how to go about executing it. To get certified in Arizona, you will need to complete your own official schooling initially.

Next, ensure that you participate in the required 1,600 hours for your Arizona State Board of Cosmetology. Within this time you’ll get hands-on education just like you will do on-the-job.

The next step is to successfully pass the state’s license exam. Make sure that you search for apprenticeship programs, they’ll ensure you get more hours for your training and gives you the chance to get prospects regarding possible future employment.

Also, it is immensely important to not overlook, after getting licensed, you will need to re-new your certification. Visit your Cosmetology Board for any state’s renewal demands.

AZ Licensing Requirements for Occupations Presented Within Cosmetology

  • Cosmetology Teacher – 650 Working hours along with in addition to 1 year of teaching practical experience
  • Hairstylist – 1,500 Working hrs
  • Esthetician – 600 Working hours
  • Esthetician Educator – 500 Work hrs and also along with at least a year of educating working experience
  • Nail Technician – 600 Working hrs
  • Nail Tech Instructor – 350 Hours together with plus at least one year of instruction experience
  • Electrologist – 500 Hours
  • Massage Therapist – 700 Hrs

AZ Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Address – 1721 East Broadway Tempe, AZ 85282-1611
Board of Cosmetology Phone # — 480-784-4539
Training w/Apprenticeships Telephone Number – 480 784 4539
Fax Number 480 784 4962
Email –

Employment and Earnings Perspective

Prospects for Getting Your First Job as a Beautician in Catalina Foothills AZ

Federal Data Information per
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 an hour
Entry-Level Training Demanded Post-Secondary nondegree award
Work Exp. NA
Occupation Education NA
# of Positions in the year 2012 + 663300
Occupation Perspective Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase through 2022 83,300 new

If you are just starting your work search in Arizona, you should be pleased to discover that the O*Net Online forecasts fantastic opportunity for you in the near future. A rapidly-aging citizenry combined with new changes in the national cosmetology system could result in an rise in the number of additional positions for certified individuals through 2020. No matter whether your ultimate goal is to work in the cosmetology field, there has never been a more suitable time to become a cosmetologist in Catalina Foothills AZ.

More Information

Things You Will Learn in Beauty Programs

You can find quite a few excellent cosmetology schools around the U.S., but you should know which of the cosmetology schools present the very best option. Picking cosmetologist courses may seem very simple, however you have to make sure that you are deciding on the right type of program. Initially, you will want to make sure the training school is licensed by the Arizona State Board. Some other topics that you may have to look at besides the accreditation issue are:

  • Has there been any type of claims regarding the school?
  • The typical ratio of former students successfully completing the license exam
  • Student study clubs discussed on forums

When cosmetology training centers state they feature comprehensive cosmetology courses, it usually refers to the training associated with hair styling, skin treatment, nail care, and also make up will be readily available inside a in depth training course.

Cosmetologist Courses Show Trainees Numerous Skill sets That Will Help you

Beauty college students find out how to implement the skills mastered for clients by way of in-class discussions, the particular issued guides, in addition to real life simulated training in salons for students.

A certified course curriculum plan varies from state to state, nonetheless a cosmetologist program enrolee should certainly graduate employing a comprehensive expertise in the many aspects of the beautician field, though trainees are certainly allowed to specialize in a given area or service.

You Are Now Ready to Get Started!

Now that you’ve been given all the information needed to become a beautician, it is now time for you to locate cosmetology schools and start today!

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