Cosmetology Schools Concord MA

The beauty and cosmetology industry is considered one of the most-popular industries in the United States, and by registering now for beauty schools in Concord MA, you can start studying towards your position as a cosmetologist.

You will find accelerated training courses available for you that may be completed in 18-24 months, and will get you ready to take the Cosmetologist license exam

Prerequisites and Schools to Choose From

Simple Tips to Get Ready for Cosmetology Schools in Concord MA

The prerequisites for cosmetologist programs vary from program to program, but almost all have some standardized ones. You should be the minimum legal age in Massachusetts and have a high school diploma or GED.

Top Cosmetology Schools in Massachusetts

Licensing Information

Should you Get a Beautician License in Concord MA?

If you are hoping to get your cosmetology certification, or maybe choose a certification in a particular area of cosmetology, this is how to go about executing it. To become certified within Massachusetts, you will need to complete your current formal training first.

After that, make sure that you go to the required 1000 working hours for your Massachusetts Board of Cosmetology. During this period of time you will surely get hands-on education exactly like you will perform on-the-job.

The next task is to take and successfully pass your state’s license examination. Be sure you hunt for apprenticeships where offered, they could ensure you get additional hours pertaining to training and can get leads for potential employment.

Additionally, it is extremely important to keep in mind, after getting accredited, you will have to re-up your certification. Call your State Board of Cosmetology for state’s renewal needs.

MA Certification Requirements for Professions Accessible Inside of the Cosmetology Field

  • Hair-Dresser – Get in touch with (617) 727 7367
  • Esthetician – 300 Hrs
  • Nail Technician – 100 Work hrs
  • Electrologist – Phone 617 727 3939
  • Masseuse – 650 Work hrs

Massachusetts Cosmetology Board
Street address – 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118
Board Contact # — (617)-727-9940
Available Apprenticeships Telephone Number – 617-727-9940
Facsimile # — 617-727-1627
E-mail –

Career and Salary Perspective

Outlook for Landing a Job as a Cosmetologist in Concord MA

National Info Information from
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hr 10.95 per hr
Amount of Schooling to start out Post-Secondary nondegree award
Experience in a very Associated Profession NA
On-the-job Instruction? NA
Jobs in 2012 663300
Work Outlook Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase through 2022 + 83300

As reported by the O*Net Online, beauticians are highly in demand in the State of Massachusetts. The truth is, the profession’s projected rate of growth is among the best for any niche in the workforce. This suggests that the time is right to begin a new job as a beautician in Concord MA.

Additional Information

Things You Will Learn in Beautician Training

The following advice should help you choose which beauty schools will be the best match for you. Looking for beautician classes may perhaps appear relatively easy, but you must ensure that you are picking the best kind of training. Unquestionably, the key part of any program is that it must have the appropriate official recognition from the Massachusetts State Board. Soon after checking the accreditation situation, you need to explore just a little further to make certain that the classes you are considering can offer you the best training.

  • The career percentage of previous trainees
  • Negative or positive referrals from previous students
  • Talk to past candidates or existing cosmetologist to find out their thoughts on the training course

In cases where cosmetologist training schools tell you they provide comprehensive beauty courses, it implies the instructing connected with hairstyling, natural skin care, finger and toe nail care, and also make-up will be presented within a single all-inclusive training program.

Cosmetology Programs Present Individuals Numerous Proficiencies to Apply

Cosmetology students discover ways to utilize the skill-sets acquired for future clientele by means of in-class lessons, the particular issued college textbooks, in addition to hands-on training in salons for only students.

The official course curriculum plan is different from your state to the next, however a beautician school student will graduate with a well-rounded understanding of every section of the cosmetologist industry, but students are able to specialize in any particular area.

Prepare Today for a Career of Tomorrow!

With the information we’ve provided here, you should be ready to pick out beauty schools and begin your career as a cosmetologist!

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