Cosmetology Schools Council Bluffs IA

For those of you who want to have a career in the beauty and cosmetology field, beauty schools in Council Bluffs IA could get you there in a short amount of time.

In as fast as one to two years, you are able to get yourself ready to take the license exam in your area.

Prerequisites and Program Choices

What’s Needed to be Qualified for Cosmetology Schools?

The prerequisites for cosmetologist programs vary from one program to the next, but most do have a few basic ones. The candidate must be the minimum age and have earned a H.S. diploma or GED.

Leading Beauty Schools in Iowa


Licensing and the Influence it Has on Your Career

If you’re looking to get a beauty certification, or maybe get a certificate within a specialized area of beauty, we have found how to go about executing it. To be certified within Iowa, you have to finish off your own conventional education initially.

And then, don’t forget to enroll in the required 2,100 hours to meet the requirements of the Iowa state board. Through this time you’ll get hands-on instruction exactly like you will do at your future job.

The very next step in the process is to take and successfully pass your state’s accreditation exam. I highly recommend you look for apprenticeship programs, they might ensure you get extra hours pertaining to training and gives you the chance to get prospects for potential job opportunities.

Additionally it is very important to not overlook, after getting accredited, you will need to re-new your certification. Call your State Board of Cosmetology for renewal prerequisites.

IA License Demands for Professions Available In Beauty

  • Hair stylist – 2100 Work hours
  • Esthetician – 600 Work hrs
  • Nail Technician – 325 Work hours
  • Electrologist – 400 Work hrs
  • Masseuse – 500 Working hrs

IA Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Address – Lucas Bldg., 5th Floor, 321 E. 12th Street Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Board of Cosmetology Contact # – 515-281-4416
Programs for Apprenticeships Phone Number — (515)-281-4416
Fax Number (515) 281 3121
E-mail –

Employment and Salary Prospects

Beautician Jobs in Council Bluffs IA

Nation wide Info Details from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay .95 an hr
Entry level Schooling Necessary Postsecondary nondegree designation
Required Work Exp. NA
Career Education NA
Job #’s in 2012 + 663300
Work Prospects Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase through the Year 2022 + 83300

Per the most up-to-date report from O*Net Online, those seeking employment as a cosmetologist in Iowa will be in a great situation. The estimated increase through 2020 in brand-new beautician positions is developing at a superb rate each year, which works out to a growth which is faster than the average of most occupations. With so many favorable variables in your favor, the time will never be better to be a cosmetologist.

Additional Info

What’s Taught in Beauty Training?

We cannot say which of the cosmetology schools is right for you, however we’re able to offer you the following helpful hints to help make your final choice a little less difficult. Looking for cosmetologist courses may possibly seem easy, yet you need to ensure that that you’re picking the right kind of program. To make sure you are not wasting time and resources, it is important to make sure the school or program you have picked has been accredited by the Iowa State Board. Additional areas to have a look at may include:

  • If there’s a placement department
  • What is the course’s alumni effectiveness on the license exam
  • Class study groups advertised on forums

When cosmetology schools mention they feature complete cosmetology courses, it usually indicates the instruction connected with hair styling, healthy skin care, nail care, plus make-up will be presented within a single in depth course.

Cosmetology Classes Provide Students Quite a few Attributes to Help you

Beauty school students discover ways to employ the skill sets mastered for future clientele by way of group class discussions, the published college textbooks, not to mention hands-on training, learning in student salons.

The state training course curriculum will be different from one state to the next, however a cosmetology training student ought to graduate from their program employing a thorough knowledge of every portion of the beautician field, though students are certainly able to specialize in a given service or area.

You Are Now Ready for Your New Career!

Using the tips and advice we have now supplied, you should be prepared to select your beauty schools!

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