Cosmetology Schools English TX

For anybody serious about launching a career in the beauty and cosmetology field, beauty schools in English TX will help you reach your goals in less time than you would likely expect.

After as little as one and half to two years, you can easily complete your choice of campus program, and move on to take your local license assessment for the chance to be recognized as a Cosmetologist.

Qualifications and Training Schools

Tips to Get Ready for Beauty Schools in English TX

Even though there aren’t many prerequisites in training to be a cosmetologist, you need to take notice of the several that do exist. You need to be of legal age to be employed in Texas and have a high school diploma or GED.

Top Beauty Schools in TX

Certification and Licensing

Should you Have a Cosmetologist License in English TX?

If you are hoping to get a beauty license, or choose a license within a unique section of beauty, we have found how to pull off carrying it out. In order to get licensed in Texas, be certain to completely finish your current formal schooling initially.

And then, be certain to attend the required 1500 working hours to meet the requirements of the Texas Cosmetology Board. Within this time you will definitely get simulated training just like you will perform on-the-job.

Your next task will be to successfully pass your state’s licensing test. Be sure to look for apprenticeship programs, they’re able to ensure you get extra hours for training and get opportunities when it comes to potential future work.

Also, it is beneficial to be aware of, after getting licensed, you will have to re-new your certification. Visit your state board to get state’s renewal specifications.

TX Licensing Requirements for Jobs Available Within the Field of Cosmetology

  • Hairdresser – 1500 Hours
  • Esthetician – 750 Hours
  • Nail Specialist – 600 Hrs
  • Electrologist – Make contact with Texas State Health & Human Services Department : (888)-963-7111
  • Massage Therapist – 500 Work hours

Texas Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Business address – 920 Colorado Austin, TX 78701
Board of Cosmetology Phone Number : (512)-463-6599
Available Apprenticeships Contact Number — (512) 463 6599
Fax Number (512) 475 2871
E-Mail –

Career and Earnings Prospects

Positions for Cosmetologists in English TX

Countrywide Information and Facts Data from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay 10.95 an hour
Schooling Level Required Postsecondary non degree designation
Required Work Exp. NA
On the Job Education? NA
2012 Cosmetology Employment opportunities + 663,300
Career Prospects Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Occupation Increase thru 2012-2022 +83300

Beauticians in Texas are in luck as the recent forecasts from O*Net Online show tremendous growth. The increase in new positions for beauticians are projected to rise nationally by the end of this decade and in Texas. Such figures represent a unique opportunity for anyone who has an interest in starting a career in the beauty industry.

More Information

Subject Areas Included in Cosmetology Classes in English TX

Determining which school to sign-up for generally is an individual matter, but there are some things that you should be informed about before choosing beauty schools. The first task in starting a career as a beautician is to figure out which of the excellent beautician schools will help you. Undeniably, the most important aspect of any program is that it must have the proper official recognition from the Texas State Board. If the accreditation status is great, you may want to check several other aspects of the program compared to others delivering the exact same instruction.

  • Evaluate the program with other schools
  • Opinions by former attendees on their outcomes
  • Is the price level out of line with most other schools?

Any time cosmetologist training colleges tell you they offer complete beauty programs, it generally implies the teaching involved with hairstyling, skin, nails, and then make up will be readily available inside a thorough training program.

Beauty Training Colleges Provide College Students Numerous Skills to do Business With

Beauty school students learn to use the relevant skills learned for their clients by means of class lessons, the particular provided references, not to mention hands on real life training, practicing in student salons.

The state course curriculum method is different from one state to another, nonetheless a beautician program student ought to graduate with a broad knowledge of the many portions of the cosmetologist industry, yet college students are certainly permitted to specialize in any particular area.

Pick Your School and Discover Success!

After you’ve completed the cosmetology schools, you’ll be able to take advantage of the benefits associated with a brand new career with plenty of potential for growth!

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