Cosmetology Schools Forest Park IL

If a cosmetology profession interests you, beauty schools in Forest Park IL may very well be for you.

In as soon as 18 months, you actually are able to get yourself ready to challenge the license test for your specific state.

Requirements and School Choices

What are Prerequisites for Beauty Schools?

To become a cosmetologist carries a few requirements. The applicant should be the minimum age and have earned a H.S. diploma or GED.

Suggested Cosmetology Schools in Illinois


Some Reasons Why a Beautician License is Crucial for You

If you’d like to get a beauty license, or maybe obtain a license within a particular area of beauty, the following is how to go about doing it. In order to get licensed within Illinois, one should finish off your current basic training initially.

After that, make sure you attend the mandatory 1,500 hours to meet the requirements of the Illinois State Board of Cosmetology. Within this time you will definitely get hands-on training like you will do at your workplace.

Your next step in the process is to pass the state’s certification examination. Make sure that you look for apprenticeship programs, they might ensure you get extra hours when it comes to your training and gives you the chance to get prospects for potential future employment opportunities.

Additionally it is really important to think about, after you have been certified, you will have to renew your license. Call your state board for state’s renewal prerequisites.

IL Accreditation Specifications for Professions Offered In the Beauty Field

  • Hair-Dresser – 1,500 Working hrs and also 3,000 Working hrs with regard to Opportunities Apprenticeship Options
  • Esthetician – 750 Hours in addition to 1500 Hours for Possibilities Apprenticeships Alternatives
  • Nail Specialist – 400 Working hours and then 800 Hours intended for Possibilities Apprenticeships Opportunities
  • Massage Therapist – 500 Work hrs

IL Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Business address – 320 W. Washington St., 3rd Fl. Springfield, IL 62786 and 100 W. Randolph Street, 9th Fl. Chicago, IL 60601
Board of Cosmetology Contact Number — (800) 560 6420
Apprenticeship Courses Phone Number – 800-560-6420
Fax Number — 217 782 7645

Employment and Salary Outlook

The Total Cosmetologist Occupational Guidebook for Forest Park IL

Nation wide Details Info from
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 an hour
Standard of Education to Begin Postsecondary non-degree award
Experience NA
Job Training NA
Job #’s in 2012 +663,300
Occupation Perspective Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Occupations Growth through Years 2012-2022 83,300 more

According to the most recent figures from O*Net Online, those looking for employment as a beautician in Illinois is in a great spot. With the predicted average increase in new cosmetologist jobs to grow incredibly fast each year by 2020, the massive rate of growth is significantly greater than the country’s mean for all professions. As you can tell, becoming a cosmetologist in Forest Park IL may very well be a lot easier than you would imagine – especially in comparison to other types of occupations.


Things That You Should Know in Cosmetology Courses

There are some matters you should consider whenever you are prepared to pick between cosmetology schools. It may seem as if there are dozens of cosmetology training in Forest Park IL, but you still have to choose the classes that will best guide you toward your professional goals. Beautician program or school you choose must be endorsed by the Illinois State Board. Some other areas to consider include:

  • Make sure the subjects matches at the least the minimum requirements
  • Rate of success of enrollees on the license test over the past five years
  • Credentials of educators

Whenever beauty classes tell you they offer complete cosmetology courses, it refers to the training regarding hairdressing, natual skin care, nailcare, plus cosmetics will be available within one broad training course.

Beauty Training Colleges Educate Enrollees Various Attributes to Apply

Cosmetology school students discover how to use the talents learned for clients as a result of group classroom lessons, the given references, in addition to real life simulated training, practicing in salons for students.

A certified course curriculum will differ from one state to another, but a cosmetology program enrolee will graduate with a detailed knowledge of the many components of the beautician field, nevertheless school students are allowed to concentrate on any particular service or area.

You Now Have the Resources for Success!

Learning to become a cosmetologist is currently less difficult and even more streamlined than before, you will want to get started out in beauty schools right away!

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