Cosmetology Schools Harrison MI

Cosmetology schools in Harrison MI will provide you with all the expertise and experience necessary to land a position in cosmetology.

In as soon as one to two years, you actually can get yourself ready to take the license examination for your area.

Requirements and Training Schools

What’s Required to Become Admitted to Beauty Schools?

Even though there aren’t many steps required in training to be a beautician, you should take notice of the ones that exist. You’ll need to be the legal age and already have earned a high school diploma or GED.

Top Cosmetology Schools in MI

Licensing Information

What is Important About License?

If you want to earn a cosmetology certification, or perhaps obtain a certificate within a specialized part of beauty, here is how to go about executing it. To get licensed in Michigan, you will need to finish your own official training to begin with.

Then, make sure that you attend the necessary 1,500 working hours to meet the requirements of the Michigan State Board of Cosmetology. With this time you’ll get simulated training precisely like you will do at your future job.

The next step in the process will be to take and pass the state’s accreditation examination. Be sure you try to find apprenticeship programs, they can help you get more hours pertaining to training and get leads regarding possible future employment opportunities.

It is additionally beneficial to remember, after you have been registered, you will have to re-new your license. See your Cosmetology Board to get renewal needs.

MI License Demands for Careers Offered Inside Beauty

  • Hair-Stylist – 2000 Hrs
  • Esthetician – 400 Working hours together with 6 months’ time for Alternatives Apprenticeships Opportunities
  • Nail Specialist – 1500 Work hours together with 6 mo. for Chances Apprenticeship Options
  • Electrologist – 1500 Hrs not to mention Six months’ with regard to Possibilities Apprenticeship Chances
  • Masseuse – 500 Work hours

Michigan Board of Cosmetology
Street address – PO Box 30018 Lansing, MI 48909
Board Telephone # — 517 241 8720
Programs w/Apprenticeships Contact Number — 517 241 8720
Fax # (517)-373-1044
E-mail –

Job and Wage Prospects

Outlook and Growth for Jobs for Cosmetologists in Harrison MI

Nation wide Info Details per
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay .95 an hr
Degree of Understanding to start Post-Secondary non-degree designation
Job Exp. NA
On the Job Training? NA
2012 Cosmetology Job opportunities + 663300
Career Prospects Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Employment Increase – the Year 2022 83300 new

The need for cosmetologists in Michigan is at a record high with O*Net Online expecting massive expansion all over the state until the close of this decade. The nationwide growth rate for this position is well in front of the average for all careers and is also one of the highest in the cosmetology industry. As you can tell, becoming a cosmetologist in Harrison MI may be a lot easier than you believe – particularly when compared with other positions.

Additional Resources

What You’ll Be Taught in Cosmetology Courses

While there isn’t a guidebook on how to pick the right beauty schools, there are some factors to consider. The initial step in getting started with a job as a cosmetologist is to decide which of the leading beautician programs will help you. Before anything else, find out if the beautician program has been authorized or certified by the Michigan State Board. If the accreditation issue is good, you might look into some other attributes of the school when compared to other training programs giving you the exact same instruction.

  • How long the training program has existed
  • Internet recommendations of the training or training school
  • Are there any prerequisites to register for the course?

When beauty training schools state they feature comprehensive cosmetology training programs, it usually implies the instructing having to do with hairstyling, skin treatment, nail-care, plus make-up is to be found within a all-inclusive training program.

Cosmetology Training Colleges Instruct Individuals a Host of Tools That Will Help you

Cosmetology trainees learn how to make use of the relevant skills practiced for clients as a result of in-class lessons, the particular provided college textbooks, in addition to hands on training in student salons.

The state training course curriculum method varies from one state to another, nevertheless a cosmetology program student should graduate with a thorough understanding of the many facets of the cosmetology industry, but school students are certainly able to specialize in a specialized area.

Getting Prepared for a New Career!

Now that you’ve acquired all the information required to train for a career as a cosmetologist, now it’s up to you to find cosmetology schools and get started now!

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