Cosmetology Schools Hattiesburg, MS

cosmetology schools in Hattiesburg, MS provide a fantastic way to enter into the beauty and cosmetology industry.

Training courses are between 20-24 months in total length, and they are generally accessible to prepare you for the license test in your respective state.

Prerequisites and Program Choices

Cosmetology Schools and Requirements

There are a few requirements that must be satisfied before you can become a beautician. You have to meet the legal age requirement, as well as having a H.S. diploma or equivalent.

Top Cosmetology Schools in Mississippi

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License Info

The Reason Cosmetologist License is So Required

If you are wanting to get a cosmetology license, or maybe go for a certificate within a specific area of cosmetology, here is how to pull off executing it. To be certified or licensed within Mississippi, it is best to wrap up your own conventional training initially.

Then, don’t forget to attend the mandatory 1,500 working hours for your Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology. Through this process you’ll receive simulated training precisely like you will perform at your future workplace.

The next step in the process will be to successfully pass your state’s accreditation test. Take the time to seek out apprenticeship programs, they’ll ensure you get additional hours with respect to training and gives you the chance to get leads when it comes to prospective work.

It’s also beneficial to keep in mind, after you have been certified, you will have to re-new your license. Call your Board of Cosmetology to get renewal needs.

MS Certification Requirements for Occupations Presented Within Cosmetology

  • Hairdresser – 1500 Working hours
  • Esthetician – 600 Hrs
  • Nail Technician – 350 Work hrs
  • Masseuse – 700 Work hours

MS Barbering and Cosmetology
Mailing address : 239 North Lamar, Suite 301 Jackson, MS 39201
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Contact # : 601 359 1820
Available Apprenticeships Telephone Number – (601) 359 1820
Fax Number – (601) 354 6639

Employment and Wages View

Job Growth and Outlook for Beauticians in Hattiesburg, MS

Countrywide Records Data from
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay 10.95 per hr
Educational background Levels Required Postsecondary non degree designation
Work Exp. NA
Practical Instruction? NA
Number of Positions in 2012 663300
Opportunity Prospects Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Job Growth thru 2012-2022 + 83,300

O*Net Online projects that the need for cosmetologists in Mississippi will hit historic levels in the next few years. Because of the state’s aging population and growing cosmetology and beauty industry, the need for additional employees noticeably outpaces that of other types of beauty and cosmetology professionals. Do not miss-out on this great chance to start a career!

Added Information

Details About Beautician Training in Hattiesburg, MS

Have you reached the spot where you have to pick which cosmetology schools are best for you? Once you begin looking around, you will discover lots of programs, but what exactly should you think about when deciding on beauty training? Certainly, the main aspect of any school or program is that it requires the proper official recognition from the Mississippi State Board. Other factors to consider include things like:

  • The course load complies with its state regulations
  • Exactly what is the success rate for the license evaluation when compared to competing programs?
  • Are there any standards to take the course?

Whenever beauty training schools state they provide comprehensive cosmetology courses, it refers to the instruction involved with hairstyling, beauty, nail care, plus make-up will be to be found in one all-inclusive course.

Cosmetology Training Schools Instruct Students Quite a Number of Proficiencies to Make use of

Cosmetology trainees discover how to implement the knowledge practiced for future clientele as a result of group classroom discussions, the particular given guides, and also simulated training, learning in salons for only students.

The state training program curriculum will without a doubt differ from one state to the next, nevertheless a beauty program student really should graduate with a detailed comprehension of all the elements of the cosmetologist field, still enrollees are definitely able to concentrate on any particular area or service.

Prepare Today for Your Job of Tomorrow!

With all the tips we have supplied, you are now set to select beauty schools and become a beautician!

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