Cosmetology Schools Laurel MS

Cosmetology schools in Laurel MS are available to anybody interested in having a career in a beauty and cosmetology setting, and classes are accepting brand new trainees every month.

Courses are between 18 months in length, and they’re accessible to get you prepared for the license examination in your respective state.

Qualifications and Program Choices

How You Can Prepare for Cosmetology Schools in Laurel MS

The requirements for cosmetologist courses change from program to program, but the majority have some basic ones. The foremost is to meet the legal age prerequisite and have a H.S. diploma or GED.

Leading Beauty Schools in MS

Licensing Info

What’s So Important About License?

If you’re looking to earn your cosmetology certification, or go for a certification within a specific area of beauty, here is how to go about executing it. To get licensed in Mississippi, you will need to completely finish your current traditional education and learning first.

Then, be sure to attend the mandatory 1500 working hours to meet the requirements of the Mississippi Cosmetology Board. With this process you will get simulated training such as you will do on the job.

The very next step will be to take and successfully pass the state’s certification exam. Be sure to seek out apprenticeship programs, they may help you get additional hours with respect to training and can get prospects for potential future job opportunities.

It’s also important to be aware of, after you have been certified, you will need to re-new your accreditation. Call your Board of Cosmetology for all renewal prerequisites.

MS Licensing Demands for Jobs Accessible Throughout Cosmetology

  • Barber – 1500 Hrs
  • Esthetician – 600 Work hrs
  • Nail Specialist – 350 Work hours
  • Massage Therapist – 700 Hours

Mississippi Cosmetology Board
Address : 239 North Lamar, Suite 301 Jackson, MS 39201
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Contact Number — (601) 359 1820
Programs w/Apprenticeships Phone # — (601)-359-1820
Facsimile Number (601) 354 6639

Job and Wages Outlook

Employment for Beauticians in Laurel MS

Countrywide Information and Facts Data per
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 per hour
Education Levels Essential Post-Secondary non degree award
Predicted Work Experience NA
On-the-Job Training NA
2012 Cosmetology Work opportunities + 663300
Occupation Outlook Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Growth – 2012 – 2022 + 83300

If you are about to begin your employment search in Mississippi, you should be thrilled to discover that the O*Net Online forecasts tremendous prospects for you in the foreseeable future. The expected increase through 2020 in new cosmetologist positions is expanding at a terrific pace annually, which breaks down to a growth and that is faster than the median of most vocations. Due to this growth in job opportunities, you’ll have a good amount of possibilities to get a new job as a beautician in Laurel MS.

More Resources

The Basics of Cosmetology Training

Despite the fact that there isn’t a strategy guide on how to pick the perfect beauty schools, there are some things to consider. You could hear that beauty training are all the same, yet there are some things you should consider before you start picking which beauty training to register for in Laurel MS. Official recognition by the Mississippi State Board is one of the most important thing that can help you pick the ideal training programs. Although they are not as crucial as the program’s accreditation status, you may want to evaluate a few of the following features also:

  • Has there also been any type of grievances regarding the program?
  • Opinions by past students on their achievements
  • Accessibility of school students to trainers

Anytime beautician training centers say that they offer complete beauty training programs, it usually implies the instructing of hairdressing, beauty, nails, along with make-up is actually available within a complete training program.

Cosmetologist Training Colleges Present School Students Many Skill sets That Will Help you

Cosmetology school students find out how to use the knowledge mastered for their clients as a result of group classroom discussions, the provided books, and also “hands on” training in salons for students only.

A state training program curriculum will be different from state to state, however a beauty training student should really graduate having a comprehensive comprehension of every aspect of the cosmetologist industry, nevertheless college students are able to specialize in an individual area or service.

Getting Ready for a New Job!

As soon as you have concluded your beauty schools, you’ll be able to benefits associated with an exciting new career with lots of potential for growth!

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