Cosmetology Schools Lees Summit MO

beauty schools in Lees Summit MO provide a fantastic way to enter into the cosmetology field.

Programs are generally completed in one to two years, and trainees immediately become qualified to test for professional certification at the conclusion of the training programs.

Requirements and Courses

Preparing to Register for Cosmetology Schools in Lees Summit MO

Programs to become a cosmetologist include a number of prerequisites. At the moment they are: have a H.S. diploma or equivalent and be the legal age in Missouri.

Suggested Beauty Schools in MO

License Info

Why Should a License Matter?

If you would like to earn a beauty license, or possibly go for a certificate within a particular section of beauty, the following is how to go about doing it. In order to get licensed or certified in Missouri, you should finish off your official education to start with.

Next, make sure to go to the required 1500 working hours for the Missouri state board. With this time you will definitely get simulated instruction just like you will perform at your future job.

The next step in the process is to pass your state’s certification examination. Don’t neglect to look for apprenticeships where presented, they may allow you to receive more hours when it comes to your training and gives you the chance to get opportunities when it comes to potential employment.

Additionally it is essential to not overlook, after you have been accredited, you will need to renew your accreditation. Visit your State Board of Cosmetology to get renewal demands.

MO License Prerequisites for Careers Offered Inside the Field of Beauty

  • Hair stylist – 1000 Hrs in addition to 2,000 Working hours intended for Chances Apprenticeship Programs
  • Esthetician – 750 Working hrs and 1500 Work hrs when it comes to Options available Apprenticeships Prospects
  • Nail Technician – 400 Work hours not to mention 800 Work hrs for Programs Apprenticeship Opportunities
  • Massage Therapist – 500 Work hours

MO Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Address : 3605 Missouri Boulevard, PO Box 1062 Jefferson City, MO 65102-1062
Cosmetology Board Contact Number — (866) 762 9432
Programs for Apprenticeships Contact # — (866)-762-9432
Fax # — (573) 751 8167
E-mail –

Career and Salary View

What’s the Occupational Projection for Beauticians in Lees Summit MO?

Federal Details Details per
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 per hour
Recommended Schooling Levels Post-Secondary nondegree designation
Necessary Expertise NA
On the Job Training? NA
2012 Beauty Employment 663300
Job Prospects Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase – Years 2012-2022 83,300 new

We do not have to explain to you that the need for cosmetologists in Missouri is increasing yearly according to O*Net Online. By the end of the decade, the nation’s need for this position is predicted to rise at a fantastic level. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to launch your career!

More Information

What Things to Watch for When Choosing Beauty Courses in Lees Summit MO

Picking out which school to attend is obviously a personal choice, however there are some things you should be informed about before picking beauty schools. Once you get started looking, you will discover a lot of training programs, but just what exactly should you try to look for when picking cosmetology courses? It’s highly suggested that you take the time to make sure you verify that the beautician program or school you’re thinking about has been accepted by the Missouri State Board or some other governing group. If the school is approved by these groups, you might additionally want to pay attention to various other features such as:

  • The length of the training
  • Comments by former enrollees on their success
  • Check the school’s forums to find out whether something looks unusual

Whenever beautician training colleges proclaim they provide full beauty courses, it generally refers to the training connected with hairstyling, natual skin care, nail care, and then cosmetics is normally accessible inside a in-depth course.

Cosmetologist Training Schools Instruct Individuals Many Relevant Skills to Help you

Beauty trainees discover ways to apply the skill-sets practiced for clients via group lessons, the provided books, along with real life simulated training, learning in students only salons.

The state training course curriculum will be different from one state to another, nevertheless a cosmetologist course student ought to graduate having a deep comprehension of all aspects of the cosmetologist industry, though individuals are definitely allowed to focus on any particular service or area.

Prepare Today for Your Career of Tomorrow!

Using the tips and advice we’ve provided, you will be ready to pick out your beauty schools!

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