Cosmetology Schools Marina del Rey CA

Cosmetology schools in Marina del Rey CA are ideal for any person wanting to work in a position that helps others, and classes are available to you right now!

Training programs can be completed in as little as one and half to two years, and students immediately become qualified to take the examination for certification at the end of the programs.

Prerequisites and Program Choices

All Eligibility Requirements for Cosmetology Schools

Beautician program prerequisites will differ from school to school but will probably have some common requirements. The candidate should be of legal age and have earned a high school diploma or equivalent.

Recommended Beauty Schools in California

Certification Information

What is So Vital About License?

If you’d like to earn your beauty certification, or go for a certificate in a unique area of beauty, the following is how to go about doing it. To get licensed in CA, you need to definitely finish your current basic schooling to start with.

Next, you need to enroll in the actual required 1,600 hours to meet the requirements of the California Cosmetology Board. Within this period of time you’ll receive hands on training precisely like you will do at your workplace.

The very next thing to do will be to successfully pass the state’s certification exam. Make the time to search for apprenticeships where offered, they can enable you to get additional hours for your training and can get leads for potential job opportunities.

Additionally, it is important to keep in mind, after you have been licensed, you will need to re-up your accreditation. See your Board of Cosmetology for renewal demands.

CA License Prerequisites for Occupations Available Within the Field of Cosmetology

  • Hairstylist – 1,600 Hours as well as 3,200 Hrs intended for Opportunities Apprenticeship Possibilities
  • Esthetician – 600 Hrs
  • Nail Tech – 400 Working hours
  • Electrologist – 600 Working hours in addition to 3,200 Hrs for Opportunities Apprenticeships Chances
  • Barber – 1500 Hours as well as 3,200 Hours regarding Possibilities Apprenticeships Alternatives

CA Cosmetology Board
Post Office Box 944226 Sacramento, CA 94244-2260
Barbering and Cosmetology Contact Number — 916-574-7570
Apprenticeships Telephone # – 916-405-6040 and 805-644-3900
Fax Number 916-575-7281
E-mail –

Employment and Earnings Prospects

What’s the Occupational Forecast for Cosmetologists in Marina del Rey CA?

Nation wide Records Data from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay .95 per hour
Entry-Level Training Needed Postsecondary nondegree award
Work Exp. NA
On-the-Job Instruction NA
Total Jobs The year 2012 663300
Work Outlook Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Increase – 2012-2022 83300 more

The newest info from O*Net Online shows a good future for all those looking for work as a cosmetologist in California. With the anticipated average increase in new beautician jobs to develop extremely fast yearly by 2020, the incredible rate of growth is significantly greater than the national median for all professions. For those who wish to begin working as a cosmetologist in Marina del Rey CA, you can see that the expanding demand is in your favor.

Added Info

The Things You Need to be Doing to Be Prepared for Beautician Courses in California

The author of this site can’t decide which of the beauty schools is right for you, however we’re able to offer you the following helpful tips that may make your final decision a little easier. You might hear that beauty programs are all the same, yet there are some areas you really should be aware of before choosing which beauty classes to register for in Marina del Rey CA. You should verify that the training schools are currently authorized either with a regulatory organization such as the California State Board. Additional areas to look into can include:

  • Does the institution have a job placement department
  • Just what is the program’s license test success rates
  • Price of tuition compared to some other training programs or classes

Any time beautician training colleges mention they provide comprehensive beauty courses, it usually implies the instructing concerning hairstyling, natual skin care, nail-care, and also make up will be presented all in one complete program.

Beauty Courses Train School Students a Number of Skill sets to Utilize

Cosmetology school students learn to utilize the skill-sets learned for future clientele through group discussions, the supplied books, combined with hands-on training, learning in students only salons.

A certified training program curriculum method is different from one state to the next, nonetheless a cosmetology training student really should graduate from their course with a full understanding of all areas of the cosmetologist field, but enrollees are definitely able to concentrate on any particular area or service.

Prepare Today for a Career of Tomorrow!

Becoming a cosmetologist is less complicated and even more straight-forward than before, you will want to get started off in beauty schools right away!

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