Cosmetology Schools Monmouth OR

The cosmetology field is absolutely one of the most-popular markets in the country, and by signing-up right now for cosmetology schools in Monmouth OR, you can begin working toward your own career as a beautician.

There are fast-track training courses available for you that can be completed within 1-2 years, and will make you prepared to take the Cosmetologist license exam

Requirements and Training Schools

Can You Satisfy the Prerequisites for Beauty Schools?

Beautician course prerequisites will differ from school to school but will usually have several standard requirements. You need to be of minimum age to work in Oregon and hold a high school diploma or equivalent.

Recommended Beauty Schools in OR


Does OR Have a Cosmetologist License Requirement That I Need to be Aware Of?

If you want to get a cosmetology certification, or maybe choose a certificate in a specialized section of beauty, here’s how to go about doing it. To be licensed in Oregon, you need to definitely finish your current traditional education to start with.

And then, you need to go to the necessary 2,300 working hours for the Oregon Cosmetology Board. With this period of time you will definitely get simulated instruction exactly like you will perform on the job.

The next step will be to take and pass your state’s licensing exam. Make sure to search for apprenticeship programs, they may get you extra hours for your training and get opportunities regarding potential job opportunities.

Additionally, it is extremely important to remember, after getting licensed, you will have to re-new your accreditation. See your State Board of Cosmetology for all the state’s renewal requirements.

OR Certification Specifications for Professions Accessible Within Cosmetology

  • Hairdresser – 1450 Work hrs
  • Esthetician – 250 Hours
  • Nail Technician – 350 Hrs
  • Barber – 1100 Working hours
  • Massage Therapist – 500 Work hours

Oregon Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Street address – 700 Summer Street NE, Suite 320 Salem, OR 97301-1287
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Contact # – 503 378 8667
Apprenticeship Opportunities Telephone # — (503) 378 8667
Fax Number — (503)-370-9004
Communication Email Address –

Employment and Income View

Probability for Getting Your First Position as a Beautician in Monmouth OR

Federal Information Details per
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hr 10.95 per hr
Measure of Educational background to commence Post-Secondary nondegree designation
Required Job Exp. NA
Practical Training? NA
Overall Jobs 2012 +663,300
Job opportunity Prospects Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Growth thru 2012 – 2022 +83300

If you’re about to begin your job search in Oregon, you should be delighted to find out that the O*Net Online projects tremendous potential for you in the foreseeable future. With the estimated outstanding growth through the next several years, there ought to be a number of job opportunities you can choose from. The figures represent a unique chance for anyone who has an interest in starting a career in the cosmetics industry.

Added Info

What’s Covered in Beautician Programs?

You’ve made a decision that you would like to become a cosmetologist, and soon you should choose which of the beauty schools is the best. You could hear that cosmetology classes are all identical, yet there are some differences you really should consider before picking which beautician courses to sign up for in Monmouth OR. Cosmetologist program or school you have chosen should also be accepted by the Oregon State Board. Additional areas to have a look at can include:

  • The program meets the state’s demands
  • Negative or positive testimonials and referrals from past students
  • Price of education compared against some other training programs or classes

Any time cosmetologist courses state they offer full beauty courses, it usually refers to the teaching having to do with hairdressing, skin care, nails, and also cosmetics is actually available in a single thorough training course.

Cosmetologist Programs Instruct Individuals a Bunch of Skillsets to Make use of

Cosmetology trainees discover ways to use the talents perfected for clients through group discussions, the particular circulated references, combined with simulated training, practicing in salons for only students.

The official training program curriculum will vary from one state to another, however a beauty program enrolee ought to graduate from their course having a full expertise in the many elements of the cosmetology field, though school students are certainly able to specialize in an individual area or service.

You Now Have the Tools for Success!

Applying the advice we have provided, you should be prepared to choose beauty schools and become a beautician!

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