Cosmetology Schools North Providence RI

Cosmetology is taking-off at an impressive rate and, by signing up for beauty schools in North Providence RI, you will have the chance to start a career as a beautician.

In as little as 18 months, you can complete your choice of campus class, and take the license exam for your chance to be recognized as a Cosmetologist.

Prerequisites and Training Schools

What is Needed to Become Admitted to Beauty Schools?

Classes to become a beautician include a variety of prerequisites. You need to hold a high school diploma or equivalent and fulfill the mandatory age requirement.

Recommended Cosmetology Schools in Rhode Island

Licensing Information

What is So Important About License?

If you want to earn a beauty certification, or go for a certification in a unique portion of beauty, the following is how to pull off executing it. To be certified or licensed within Rhode Island, make sure you wrap up your official education and learning to begin with.

After that, don’t forget to enroll in the specified 1500 working hours for the Rhode Island State Board of Cosmetology. During this period of time you will absolutely get hands-on education just like you will perform on the job.

Your next step in the process is to pass your state’s license examination. Make the time to try to find apprenticeship programs, they’re able to ensure you get extra hours with respect to your training and can get opportunities for future employment.

Additionally it is really important to remember, after you have been certified, you will need to re-new your license. Call your state board for your state’s renewal prerequisites.

RI License Criteria for Jobs Offered In the Field of Beauty

  • Hair stylist – 1,500 Hours
  • Esthetician – 600 Work hours
  • Nail Technician – 300 Hrs
  • Electrologist – 650 Hrs and also 650 Hrs with regards to Opportunities Apprenticeships Options available
  • Massage Therapist – 500 Hrs

RI Barbering and Cosmetology
Street address : 3 Capitol Hill, Room 104 Providence, RI 02908-5097
Cosmetology Board Phone # : 401-222-2828
Programs for Apprenticeships Telephone Number – (401)-222-2828
Facsimile # — (717)-705-5540
E-mail –

Career and Salary Perspective

Finding a Position as a Beautician in North Providence RI

Countrywide Information and Facts Information per
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hr 10.95 an hour
Entry-Level Schooling Recommended Postsecondary non-degree designation
Required Work Exp. NA
Job Instruction NA
2012 Positions + 663,300
Job Prospects Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Occupation Increase thru 2012-2022 83300 more

We do not have to explain to you that the need for beauticians in Rhode Island is increasing yearly according to O*Net Online. The forecasted growth by 2020 in brand-new beautician jobs is increasing at a terrific pace every year, which works out to a growth that is faster than the average of most vocations. As you have seen, becoming a beautician in North Providence RI may be a lot easier than you would imagine – particularly when compared with other positions.

More Information

Beautician Programs – Things to Expect

Determining which classes to attend can certainly be a personal decision, but there are some points you should be aware of before picking cosmetology schools. Looking for beautician courses may sound very simple, but you have to be sure that you are picking the best style of program. To begin with, see if the is authorized or certified with the Rhode Island State Board. A number of other areas that you might wish to take a look at other than the accreditation status are:

  • Its career location results with attendees
  • What is the program’s alumni success rate with regards to the license examination
  • Activity on program community forums

When beauty programs mention they feature comprehensive cosmetology programs, it generally refers to the instruction of hair styling, skincare, nail care, along with cosmetics is going to be presented within a single wide-ranging course.

Cosmetologist Classes Provide College Students Many Skill sets to use

Cosmetology students find out how to utilize the skills practiced for clients by way of group in-class discussions, the particular distributed college textbooks, not to mention simulated training in salons for students only.

A state training course curriculum plan will vary from state to state, nonetheless a cosmetology course student should really graduate with a full understanding of all the aspects of the beautician industry, still students are certainly allowed to specialize in a given service or area.

Pick Your Program and Discover Success!

With the guidelines and details you have gathered, you are prepared to go and enroll in cosmetology schools and begin working toward a brand-new career as a beautician!

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