Cosmetology Schools North Smithfield RI

If a beauty-related profession appeals to you, cosmetology schools in North Smithfield RI could be right for you.

You will find fast-track training programs available to you that can be completed in 18 months, and will get you prepared to take the Cosmetologist license exam

Requirements and Training Schools

All the Eligibility Requirements for Beauty Schools

Though there aren’t very many prerequisites in instruction to become a beautician, you need to take notice of the several that exist. You have to meet the minimum age requirement, as well as having a H.S. diploma or GED.

Suggested Beauty Schools in RI

License Info

Will Rhode Island Demand Cosmetologist License?

If you’d like to earn your beauty license, or perhaps go for a certification in a specialized division of cosmetology, the following is how to go about doing it. In order to get licensed within Rhode Island, you’ll need to wrap up your own formal education and learning initially.

And then, be sure that you enroll in the necessary 1,500 hrs for the Rhode Island Cosmetology Board. With this time you’re going to get hands-on instruction precisely like you will do at your future workplace.

Your next step will be to pass your state’s license exam. Be sure you search for apprenticeships wherever presented, they might help you get more hours pertaining to training and get leads when it comes to future work.

Additionally, it is immensely important to make note of, after getting certified, you will have to re-new your certification. Visit your Cosmetology Board for renewal demands.

RI Licensing Demands for Careers Presented Within the Beauty Field

  • Hair-Dresser – 1,500 Working hours
  • Esthetician – 600 Work hours
  • Nail Tech – 300 Working hours
  • Electrologist – 650 Hours as well as 650 Hours for Options available Apprenticeships Options
  • Masseuse – 500 Work hours

RI Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Business address — 3 Capitol Hill, Room 104 Providence, RI 02908-5097
Board Phone # — 401-222-2828
Available Apprenticeships Telephone Number – 401-222-2828
Fax Number — 717-705-5540
Contact Email –

Career and Wages Prospects

Employment Opportunities for a Beautician in North Smithfield RI

National Details Info from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 an hr
Schooling Levels Necessary Postsecondary non-degree award
Necessary Work Exp. NA
Career Education Desired? NA
2012 Job opportunities +663,300
Career Outlook Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Increase through Years 2012-2022 + 83300

The requirement for new beauticians is expected to increase considerably per official information provided by O*Net Online. Having an estimated average growth in new beautician positions to develop very rapidly every year by 2020, the tremendous rate of growth is significantly above the national median for all careers. The statistics represent a unique chance for anybody who is interested in an entry-level position in the cosmetology field.

More Resources

Overview of Cosmetology Classes

The following advice really should help assist you in deciding which cosmetology schools are the ideal match for your situation. You could possibly be told that cosmetologist courses are all exactly the same, however there are some things you really should consider before selecting which cosmetology programs to sign up for in North Smithfield RI. Among the initial things you will want to verify is whether or not the course is still endorsed by the Rhode Island State Board. If the accreditation is good, you might check a few other attributes of the program in comparison to other training centers giving you the exact same education.

  • Research all you can concerning the training school – including its track record
  • The typical ranking of alumni passing the license exam
  • Cost of education vs all the other training programs or classes

When ever beautician schools say that they feature comprehensive cosmetology courses, it usually indicates the training having to do with hair-styling, skin, nail care, and additionally cosmetics is actually presented inside a thorough course.

Cosmetology Classes Show Students Quite a Number of Skills to Make use of

Beauty students discover ways to apply the skills mastered for their clients by way of in-class discussions, the particular circulated references, plus simulated training, practicing in salons for students only.

The official program curriculum varies from one state to the next, nonetheless a cosmetology program enrolee should certainly graduate having a full familiarity with every element of the cosmetology industry, still students are certainly permitted to specialize in a given area.

Get Ready to Start Your New Career Today!

Now that you’ve got been given all the tips and information required to train for a career as a cosmetologist, now it’s time for you to locate cosmetology schools and get started right away!

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