Cosmetology Schools Orange NJ

For those of you who wish to have a career in the beauty and cosmetology sector, beauty schools in Orange NJ could get you there quickly.

Programs are in between one to two years in length, and are available to prepare you for the license exam in your respective state.

Prerequisites and Training Schools

Beauty Schools and Their Prerequisites

Cosmetologist programs hold a few main requirements for students. The first is to satisfy the age prerequisite and have a high school diploma or GED.

Top Beauty Schools in NJ


Is it Mandatory That I Get a License?

If you are looking to earn a beauty license, or perhaps get a certification in a specific area of cosmetology, we have found how to go about executing it. To be certified within New Jersey, you’ve got to wrap up your own conventional training to begin with.

Then, be sure that you attend the specified 1200 working hours to meet the requirements of the New Jersey state board. In this period of time you will definitely get simulated training such as you will perform at your future job.

The very next step in the process is to take and pass your state’s accreditation exam. Invest time to check out apprenticeship programs, they might get you more hours with respect to your training and gives you the chance to get prospects when it comes to potential future employment opportunities.

Additionally it is very important to keep in mind, after you have been registered, you will need to renew your accreditation. See your Cosmetology Board to get renewal prerequisites.

NJ Accreditation Criteria for Occupations Accessible Within the Beauty Field

  • Hair-Stylist – 900 Work hrs
  • Esthetician – 600 Work hours
  • Nail Specialist – 300 Hours
  • Electrologist – 600 Hours
  • Masseuse – 500 Working hrs

NJ Barbering and Cosmetology
Street address — PO Box 45003 124 Halsey Street Newark, NJ 07101
Board of Cosmetology Telephone Number : 973 504 6400
Programs for Apprenticeships Telephone Number — (973) 504 6400
Fax Number (973) 504 6477

Job and Wage View

Prospects for Getting Your First Job as a Cosmetologist in Orange NJ

Nation wide Data Info from
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay 10.95 per hour
Entry level Education Recommended Postsecondary non-degree designation
Desired Job Exp. NA
Career Training NA
2012 Job data + 663,300
Employment Outlook Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase thru 2012 – 2022 83300

Beauticians in New Jersey are in good shape as the current forecasts from O*Net Online suggest enormous growth. By the end of the decade, nationwide demand for this position is anticipated to rise at a fantastic rate. This implies that the time is right to begin a new career as a cosmetologist in Orange NJ.


A Look Inside Cosmetologist Schools

There are lots of terrific programs that you can choose from, however you need to make sure the cosmetology schools you want to enroll in satisfy specific standards and requirements. It may feel like there are lots of beautician classes in Orange NJ, however you still need to find the course that will best guide you to your professional goals. While you might have determined which school or program to enroll in, you still must find out if the training class holds the appropriate certification with the New Jersey State Board. If your training program is approved by these groups, you might additionally want to look into various other variables including:

  • The duration of the program
  • The percentage of successful scores by the former trainees taking the license test
  • Student study classes discussed on discussion boards

In the event cosmetology training colleges tell you they have comprehensive beauty training programs, it usually indicates the training regarding hair styling, skin treatment, nail care, along with make-up is going to be offered all in one wide-ranging training program.

Cosmetology Programs Instruct Students Quite a Number of Skill-sets to Apply

Cosmetology school students discover ways to implement the relevant skills learned for clients as a result of class lessons, the distributed college textbooks, not to mention hands on real life training in salons for only students.

A certified training course curriculum plan will vary from your state to the next, however a cosmetologist school student should graduate from their school having a detailed knowledge of all the aspects of the beautician industry, although enrollees are certainly able to specialize in a certain service or area.

You Now Have the Information Required for Success!

As soon as you’ve finished your beauty schools, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits associated with an exciting new career with plenty of room for growth!

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