Cosmetology Schools Peabody MA

cosmetology schools in Peabody MA provide an outstanding way to enter into the beauty and cosmetology industry.

Training programs can often be completed in one to two years, and students become immediately qualified to take the assessment for professional certification at the conclusion of their training programs.

Requirements and Courses

Just How Do You Take Advantage of Beauty Schools in Peabody MA?

You will find requirements that must be met before one can be a beautician. You need to be the legal age in Massachusetts and hold a H.S. diploma or GED.

Top Beauty Schools in Massachusetts

Certification Info

Why Cosmetologist License is Required

If you are wanting to earn your cosmetology license, or perhaps even choose a certification in a specific part of cosmetology, the following is how to go about doing it. To be certified or licensed in Massachusetts, it’s essential to wrap up your current formal education foremost.

Next, be sure to go to the mandatory 1000 working hours to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts state board. With this process you’re going to get hands-on training exactly like you are going to do at your workplace.

Your next step will be to successfully pass the state’s certification examination. Be sure you search for apprenticeship programs, they’ll help you get more hours for training and can get prospects when it comes to possible future employment.

Additionally, it is critical to consider, after getting accredited, you will need to re-new your certification. Call your Board of Cosmetology to get state’s renewal specifications.

MA Certification Hours for Professions Offered Within the Cosmetology Field

  • Hair Dresser – Phone (617) 727 7367
  • Esthetician – 300 Working hrs
  • Nail Technician – 100 Working hours
  • Electrologist – Phone (617) 727 3939
  • Massage Therapist – 650 Working hours

MA Barbering and Cosmetology
Street address – 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118
Barbering and Cosmetology Phone Number – 617-727-9940
Programs w/Apprenticeships Contact # — (617) 727 9940
Facsimile # — 617-727-1627
E-Mail –

Career and Earnings Outlook

What’s the Job Projection for Cosmetologists in Peabody MA?

Nationwide Records Details from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay .95 per hr
Recommended Knowledge Levels Post-Secondary nondegree award
Desired Employment Exp. NA
On the job Education NA
Quantity of Positions in 2012 + 663300
Work Perspective Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Growth thru the Year 2022 +83300

The need for new beauticians is predicted to increase substantially per official figures available from O*Net Online. The rise in new positions for beauticians are forecasted to rise nationwide by the year 2020 and in Massachusetts. No matter whether your ultimate goal is to work in the cosmetology industry, there has never been a greater time to become a beautician in Peabody MA.

Additional Information

Things You Will Be Taught in Cosmetologist Schools

You can find quite a few great cosmetology schools all over the U.S., yet you should be aware of which of the beauty schools present the right route to take. Once you begin your search, you can find a wide selection of classes, but what should you really watch out for when choosing beautician training? It is highly recommended that you determine if the training schools have been certified either by a governing body like the Massachusetts State Board. If your program is accredited by these bodies, you may also want to pay attention to various other features such as:

  • Employment placement support
  • Online opinions of the courses or training school
  • Is the price level out of step with most other training programs?

When beauty schools tell you they provide complete beauty courses, it generally implies the instructing involved with hair-styling, skin-care, nail care, in addition to cosmetics is to be found within one thorough training course.

Beauty Colleges Provide Trainees a Number of Tools to do Business With

Cosmetology college students discover ways to use the skill sets perfected for clients by way of classroom lectures, the particular published books, in addition to hands-on training, practicing in salons for only students.

A certified training course curriculum plan will vary from one state to another, but a cosmetology program enrolee really should graduate from their course having a full knowledge of all parts of the beauty field, nonetheless school students are definitely permitted to specialize in a specific area or service.

Choose Your Program and Discover Success!

With the tips and info you’ve compiled, you are ready to go and enroll in beauty schools and start training for a new occupation as a beautician!

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