Cosmetology Schools Rockland ME

If a beauty and cosmetology career interests you, beauty schools in Rockland ME could possibly be perfect for you!

In as quickly as 1-2 years, you actually are able to get yourself ready to challenge the license exam for your specific area.

Prerequisites and Schools

Can You Meet the Prerequisites for Beauty Schools?

Cosmetologist program requirements will differ from school to school but will probably have a few common requirements. The very first is to meet the minimum age requirements and hold a H.S. diploma or equivalent.

Suggested Beauty Schools in Maine

Certification and Licensing

What’s So Vital About License?

If you are hoping to get a cosmetology license, or perhaps even get a license within a unique portion of cosmetology, here is how to go about executing it. In order to get certified or licensed in Maine, be certain to completely finish your current basic education and learning foremost.

After that, be sure to participate in the specified 1500 hrs for your Maine Board of Cosmetology. In this crucial time you will definitely get hands on instruction like you are going to do at your future job.

The next step in the process is to take and successfully pass the state’s accreditation examination. Make sure that you search for apprenticeship programs, they will ensure you get additional hours when it comes to training and gives you the chance to get opportunities for future employment opportunities.

It is also very important to make note of, after you have been registered, you will need to re-new your accreditation. Visit your Board of Cosmetology to get state’s renewal requirements.

ME Certification Demands for Careers Presented Within Beauty

  • Hair Dresser – 1500 Hours and then 2,500 Work hrs with regard to Options Apprenticeship Alternatives
  • Esthetician – 600 Hrs in addition to 1,000 Hours regarding Programs Apprenticeships Options available
  • Nail Specialist – 200 Work hrs in addition to 400 Work hrs intended for Chances Apprenticeship Programs
  • Masseuse – 500 Hours

ME Barbering and Cosmetology
Street address — 35 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333
Barbering and Cosmetology Telephone # : (207) 624 8579
Training w/Apprenticeships Contact Number — 207-624-8579
Fax Number 207 624 8666
Email Address –

Employment and Salary View

Job Growth and Outlook for Beauticians in Rockland ME

Nation wide Details Data from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hr .95 an hr
Education Level Required Postsecondary non-degree award
Important Work Exp. NA
On the job Education NA
2012 Cosmetology Positions + 663300
Career Outlook Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase – 2012 – 2022 83300 new

According to the latest data from O*Net Online, anyone searching for work as a cosmetologist in Maine is in a good situation. A rapidly-aging population coupled with current changes in the nation’s cosmetology system may result in an rise in the number of new positions for qualified men and women by 2020. No matter if your primary goal is to work in the cosmetology industry, there has never been a better time to be a cosmetologist in Rockland ME.


What is Covered by Your Cosmetologist Training?

There are specific matters you need to consider when you are ready to pick between beauty schools. You may be told that beautician schools are all exactly the same, but there are some differences you should be aware of prior to deciding on which beautician programs to register for in Rockland ME. Undoubtedly, the most important facet of any school or program is that it should have the appropriate accreditation from the Maine State Board. When you are done checking the accreditation status, you should research a bit further to make sure that the training program you want can supply you with the appropriate instruction.

  • Find out all the details you can with regard to the program – particularly its past
  • Exactly what is the program’s license assessment success ratio
  • Credentials of trainers

When ever cosmetology training centers proclaim they feature complete beauty programs, it usually indicates the instruction regarding hairstyling, skincare, nail care, along with makeup is available within one all-inclusive training course.

Cosmetologist Training Schools Provide Enrollees Numerous Skill sets to Apply

Cosmetology students find out how to make use of the knowledge acquired for clients as a result of group class lectures, the particular given textbooks, plus real life simulated training in student salons.

The state training course curriculum plan will vary from state to state, nevertheless a beauty course enrolee will graduate having a broad understanding of all aspects of the beauty industry, although college students are definitely allowed to focus on a particular area.

So, You Are Now Prepared for a New Career!

Once you’ve completed your cosmetology schools, you’ll take advantage of the benefits associated with an exciting new occupation with a ton of room for advancement!

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