Cosmetology Schools Saint Anthony MN

Cosmetology schools in Saint Anthony MN can equip you with the training and experience needed to land a position in the cosmetology field.

In as little as 18 months, you could complete your choice of classroom-based course, and challenge the state’s license assessment for your opportunity to become a Cosmetologist.

Qualifications and Programs to Choose From

Cosmetology Schools Requirements – Just What are They?

The requirements for cosmetologist courses change from program to program, but the majority have some standard ones. You must be of minimum age to work in Minnesota and have a senior high school degree or GED.

Recommended Cosmetology Schools in MN


Will the State of MN Call for Beautician License?

If you are wanting to get a beauty license, or possibly go for a certificate in a unique division of beauty, we have found how to pull off doing it. In order to get licensed or certified within Minnesota, you are required to complete your own basic education to begin with.

After that, don’t forget to participate in the required 1550 hours for the Minnesota Cosmetology Board. With this period of time you’ll get hands-on education such as you are going to do on the job.

The very next step in the process will be to take and successfully pass the state’s licensing examination. Make sure you seek out apprenticeships where presented, they might allow you to get additional hours with respect to your training and get opportunities regarding future employment opportunities.

Also, it is important to not forget, after getting licensed, you will have to re-up your license. Call your Board of Cosmetology for renewal demands.

MN Certification Prerequisites for Occupations Offered Within Cosmetology

  • Esthetician – 600 Working hrs
  • Permanant Make up Specialist – 400 Work hours
  • Nail Tech – 350 Hours

MN Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Mailing address – 829 University Ave. SE, Suite 710 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Barbering and Cosmetology Contact # — (651) 201 2742
Apprenticeships Phone Number – 651-201-2742
Facsimile # 612 617 2601
E-Mail –

Employment and Wages Prospects

Employment for Cosmetologists in Saint Anthony MN

National Information Details per
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour 10.95 per hr
Schooling Levels Essential Post-Secondary nondegree award
Required Work Experience NA
Career Education NA
Number of Positions in 2012 +663,300
Job Outlook Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Increase thru 2012 – 2022 83300 new

O*Net Online anticipates that the need for cosmetologists in Minnesota will reach historic highs in the next few years. With the estimated substantial growth over the next several years, there should be plenty of opportunities for you to choose between. This suggests that it’s time to begin a new job as a cosmetologist in Saint Anthony MN.


Overview of Cosmetology Courses

There are lots of matters you should consider whenever you are ready to decide between beauty schools. It can feel as if there are dozens of beauty programs in Saint Anthony MN, but you still have to pick the classes that can best guide you toward your professional aspirations. Even though you might have already determined which program or school to enroll in, you really should find out if the program carries the correct accreditation with the Minnesota State Board. Although they are not as crucial as the program’s accreditation status, you might want to look into a few of the following parts too:

  • Employment assistance assistance
  • Match up the license exam results for alumni
  • Activity on school message boards

Anytime cosmetologist classes tell you they provide comprehensive beauty programs, it generally indicates the teaching connected with hair styling, beauty, nailcare, and make-up is actually readily available in one wide-ranging program.

Cosmetologist Schools Instruct Trainees Various Skill sets to Help you

Beauty college students discover how to use the skill-sets learned for future clientele by means of classroom discussions, the published books, and hands on simulated training in student salons.

The official training program curriculum will be different from state to state, however a beauty program student will graduate with a deep expertise in every component of the cosmetologist field, though college students are certainly permitted to specialize in a unique area or service.

You Are Now Ready for a New Job!

Thanks to the tips and information you have learned here, you are now prepared to and get started on your job as a cosmetologist by enrolling in cosmetology schools!

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