Cosmetology Schools Silverton CO

cosmetology schools in Silverton CO provide a great way to get into the beauty and cosmetology industry!

You will find accelerated programs available that may be finished in one and half to two years, and will get you ready to take the Cosmetologist license examination

Prerequisites and Programs to Choose From

What is Needed to Get Ready for Cosmetology Schools in Silverton CO

Beautician training programs have a couple of major requirements for candidates. The applicant must be of minimum age and have earned a H.S. diploma or GED.

Top Beauty Schools in Colorado


Some Reasons Why a Cosmetologist License is Beneficial to You

If you would like to earn a beauty certification, or possibly get a certificate within a unique area of beauty, we have found how to go about carrying it out. To get licensed or certified in Colorado, it is best to finish your current traditional education first.

And then, be sure that you go to the specified 1500 hours to meet the requirements of the Colorado Board of Cosmetology. During this period of time you’ll get hands on training such as you are going to do at your workplace.

The next step is to pass the state’s licensing test. Make sure to check out apprenticeship programs, they can get you more hours with respect to training and can get opportunities regarding potential future work.

Also, it is very important to consider, after you have been accredited, you will need to re-up your license. Visit your state board for any of the renewal demands.

CO Licensing Requirements for Jobs Presented Within Cosmetology

  • Cosmetology Teacher
  • Hair Dresser
  • Esthetician
  • Esthetician Instructor
  • Make up Artist
  • Healthy Skin Care Technician
  • Nail Tech
  • Nail Tech Teacher
  • Beauty Sales Consultant
  • Hair salon / spa Manager
  • Beauty Expert
  • Electrologist
  • Masseuse

CO Cosmetology Board
Address : 1560 Broadway, #1350 Denver, CO 80202
Barbering and Cosmetology Phone # – 303 894 7427
Apprenticeship Programs Contact # – 303 894 7427
Facsimile # 303 894 7693
Email Address –

Job and Earnings View

Beautician Job Projections in CO

Federal Information and Facts Info from
Median Pay Per Year $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hr .95 an hr
Measure of Education to Start Postsecondary nondegree award
Work Exp. NA
Career Education Expected? NA
Number of Positions in 2012 663,300
Career Prospects Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Employment Increase thru the Year 2022 83300 more

The need for cosmetologists in Colorado is near an all-time high with O*Net Online expecting massive expansion all over the region through the end of the decade. Having an expected average growth in new cosmetologist positions to expand very fast each year until 2020, the huge rate of growth is significantly above the nation’s median for all jobs. Because of so many positive factors to help you, your opportunity has never been better to be a cosmetologist.

Additional Information

Typical Cosmetologist Courses

If it is time to decide on which cosmetology schools you’re likely to enroll in, there are various points that you need to look into. It can feel as if there are tons of cosmetology training in Silverton CO, but you still need to find the training program that will best guide you toward your professional aspirations. It’s highly recommended that you take the time to be sure that verify that the cosmetologist training courses or school you’re thinking of is endorsed by the Colorado State Board or another governing group. While not as necessary as accreditation, you should probably check out a few of the following features too:

  • Its job placement success with trainees
  • Effectiveness of candidates on the license examination during the last several years
  • Just what are the standards to enroll in the program?

In cases where cosmetology programs tell you they feature complete cosmetology programs, it usually refers to the instruction associated with hair styling, skin-care, nail-care, in addition to make-up is to be found within one complete program.

Cosmetologist Classes Instruct College Students Many Skill sets to Utilize

Beauty trainees discover how to make use of the skill sets discovered for future clientele by means of group class lectures, the published references, together with simulated training, practicing in student salons.

The training course curriculum differs from state to state, nevertheless a beautician training enrolee should certainly graduate from their school with a full expertise in every part of the cosmetology field, but school students are definitely allowed to concentrate on a certain area or service.

Get Ready to Begin a New Career Today!

After you’ve finished your cosmetology schools, you’ll advantages of a new occupation with tons of possibilities for growth!

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