Cosmetology Schools Virginia City NV

Cosmetology as a field is taking-off at an impressive rate and, by enrolling in cosmetology schools in Virginia City NV, you have the chance to start a career as a beautician.

Within 20-24 months, it is possible to complete your choice of on-campus class, and challenge the license exam for your chance to be recognized as a Cosmetologist.

Requirements and School Choices

Clarifying the Prerequisites for Cosmetology Schools

Being a cosmetologist carries a handful of prerequisites. One has to have graduated from H.S. or have a GED or equivalent and also be the legal age to work for Nevada.

Recommended Cosmetology Schools in NV

License Info

Does the State of NV Mandate Cosmetologist License?

If you’re looking to earn a beauty license, or maybe choose a certificate within a specific area of beauty, the following is how to go about carrying it out. In order to get licensed or certified in Nevada, you must wrap up your own traditional education and learning to start with.

After that, be certain to enroll in the specified 1,800 working hours for your Nevada Cosmetology Board. In this period of time you’ll get simulated instruction such as you will perform at your future job.

The next step in the process is to pass the state’s accreditation test. Don’t neglect to hunt for apprenticeship programs, they’ll allow you to receive more hours for training and can get prospects when it comes to future job opportunities.

It is also beneficial to not overlook, after getting licensed, you will need to re-new your accreditation. See your state board to get state’s renewal requirements.

NV License Requirements for Professions Available Within the Beauty Field

  • Hair-Dresser – 1,500 Work hours
  • Esthetician – 900 Hours
  • Nail Tech – 600 Hours
  • Electrologist – 1,000 Hrs together with 500 Hrs with regard to Chances Apprenticeships Alternatives
  • Masseuse – 500 Hours

Nevada Board of Cosmetology
Address — 1785 E. Sahara Ave., Suite 255 Las Vegas, NV 89104
Board Contact # – (702)-486-6542
Training w/Apprenticeships Telephone # – 702-486-6542
Fax Number (702) 369 8064
E-mail –

Employment and Income View

How Strong is the Occupational Outlook for Cosmetologists in Virginia City NV?

Country wide Records Information from
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 per hour
Amount of Training to get started Post-Secondary non degree designation
Required Job Exp. NA
On-the-Job Education NA
Job #’s during 2012 +663,300
Work Outlook Increase, 2012-22 +13%
Occupation Increase – the Year 2022 + 83,300

If you are about to start your job search in Nevada, you will be thrilled to learn that the O*Net Online projects tremendous opportunity for you in the future. With the expected average increase in new beautician positions to develop particularly quick every year until 2020, the fantastic growth rate is significantly higher than the national median for all jobs. Due to this rise in job opportunities, you have to have an abundance of chances to get a job as a cosmetologist in Virginia City NV.

Added Information

Things That You Should be Ready For in Cosmetology Training

There are dozens of fantastic cosmetology schools all over the U.S., however you need to know which of the beauty schools represent the right route to take. It may feel like there are tons of beauty classes in Virginia City NV, however you still need to select the classes that can best lead you towards your professional goals. Recognition by the Nevada State Board is just about the most crucial feature that can help you select the ideal program. A number of other factors you will want to take a look at other than accreditation are:

  • Study all you can pertaining to the program – particularly its past
  • The latest rating of trainees successfully passing the license test
  • Ease of access of attendees to course instructors

In cases where beautician programs state they provide full cosmetology courses, it indicates the teaching concerning hair styling, healthy skin care, nail care, in addition to make up will be accessible inside a single detailed training course.

Beauty Schools Train School Students a Load of Relevant Skills to use

Cosmetology trainees find out how to make use of the skills discovered for their clients by means of group class lectures, the particular published textbooks, and then “hands on” training, learning in students only salons.

A certified training course curriculum plan will without a doubt differ from your state to the next, nonetheless a beauty program enrolee really should graduate from their course having a thorough comprehension of all the facets of the beauty field, but individuals are certainly allowed to specialize in a unique service or area.

Get Ready Now for a Job of Tomorrow!

With the helpful information we have now supplied, you will be prepared to decide on your beauty schools!

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