Cosmetology Schools Westside GA

If you would like a job in the beauty and cosmetology field, cosmetology schools in Westside GA are available to help you get started immediately.

You can find fast-track programs available for you that can be finished within 18-24 months, and will get you prepared to take the Cosmetologist license test

Requirements and Programs to Choose From

What is Required to Sign up for Beauty Schools in Westside GA

There are a few requirements to be qualified for beautician training programs. You must satisfy the minimum age prerequisite and hold a H.S. diploma or equivalent.

Suggested Cosmetology Schools in GA


Does the State of Georgia Demand Cosmetologist License?

If you want to earn your beauty license, or perhaps even obtain a certificate within a unique part of beauty, the following is how to go about doing it. In order to get licensed within Georgia, you’ve got to wrap up your current conventional education initially.

Next, be sure to go to the actual required 1,500 hrs for your Georgia state board. Through this significant time you’re going to get hands on instruction just like you are going to do on the job.

Your next step will be to successfully pass the state’s accreditation exam. Don’t neglect to look for apprenticeship programs, they’re able to enable you to get additional hours with respect to training and can get prospects regarding future work.

Additionally, it is immensely important to remember, after you have been licensed, you will need to re-new your certification. Visit your Cosmetology Board to get renewal requirements.

GA Licensing Specifications for Jobs Presented Within the Field of Beauty

  • Beauty Trainer – 1500 Hours and 3000 Work hours with regards to Options available Apprenticeships Alternatives
  • Hair Dresser – 2000 Work hrs and then 3000 Work hours when it comes to Programs Apprenticeship Alternatives
  • Esthetician – 1000 Work hrs as well as 3200 Hours with respect to Programs Apprenticeship Options
  • Nail Tech – 525 Hours along with 2050 Working hrs regarding Chances Apprenticeship Chances
  • Massage Therapist – 500 Working hours

GA Cosmetology Board
Mailing address — 237 Coliseum Dr. Macon, GA 31217-3858
Board Contact # : 478 207 2440
Apprenticeships Availability Contact # — (478) 207 2440
Fax # — (866)-888-1176

Career and Wage Perspective

The Comprehensive Beautician Career Guidebook for Westside GA

National Data Info per
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay Per Hour .95 an hr
Degree of Schooling to begin Postsecondary non-degree award
Job Exp. NA
Job Education NA
Total Number of Jobs +663,300
Opportunity Perspective Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Career Increase – Years 2012-2022 +83,300

We do not have to explain to you that the need for cosmetologists in the State of Georgia continues to grow each year according to O*Net Online. Through the year 2020, the nation’s need for this job is predicted to increase at a tremendous rate. Therefore, in case you are looking to become a beautician in Westside GA, you have a number of opportunities to consider.

More Information

Basic Fundamentals of Cosmetology Courses

Deciding on which program to attend is generally an individual matter, but here are a few things that you should know about prior to choosing cosmetology schools. It might feel like there are dozens of beauty courses in Westside GA, but you still need to choose the training program that will best lead you to your professional ambitions. To ensure that you aren’t throwing away time and your money, it is important to make certain the school or program you’ve picked is actually certified by the Georgia State Board. If the accreditation issue is great, you could possibly have a look at a few other attributes of the program when compared to the other training programs providing the exact same education.

  • Professional placement programs
  • The actual number of trainees successfully completing the license evaluation
  • Traffic on college message boards

When ever beauty training colleges tell you they have complete cosmetology programs, it indicates the teaching having to do with hair-styling, skin, nails, along with make-up will be to be found all in one thorough course.

Beauty Programs Educate Students a Load of Relevant Skills to Work With

Beauty students learn how to implement the skills discovered for future clientele by way of classroom lessons, the particular given college textbooks, not to mention hands-on training, practicing in salons for only students.

A state course curriculum plan will without a doubt be different from one state to another, nonetheless a cosmetology training student should graduate from their school having a well-rounded comprehension of all the components of the cosmetology field, nevertheless college students are definitely permitted to specialize in a particular service or area.

Getting Prepared for a New Career!

Becoming a beautician is less difficult and much more streamlined than ever, so get started in cosmetology schools right away!

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